World's First Roast Profile Filter Paper For Pour Over Coffee

Specialty Filter Paper For Specialty Coffee
There are so many variables that affect the final result when brewing filter coffee, from the grind particle size, to the water temperature and the pour over over dripper used. Yet, one variable that is quite often over looked is the Filter Paper.
Sanyo Sango, Cafec's parent company in Oita Japan set out to change the way pour over coffee is brewed by introducing the world's first roast profile filter paper.
Available in three varieties: one for light roasts; one for medium-dark; and one for dark. The range of roast profile filter papers offer one final threshold by which coffee brewers can tweak their manual brewing recipes.

The light roast paper filter is the densest, but is also thinnest, at 0.15-mm. It has a smooth, flat surface inside and a crepe texture outside. These features combine to allow fines to accumulate evenly along the walls, slowing the flow and encouraging aroma while brewing. The density also does a better job of retaining those fines for greater cup clarity.
The thickest papers in our range are the medium roast papers, which are creped on both sides. Offsetting the 0.28 millimetres of thickness is the paper’s lower density, resulting in faster flow that promotes balance in the cup.
The dark roasts filter paper feature a medium-density paper with 0.22-mm thickness, and they are also creped on both sides. The interior crepe allows for faster liquid flow in the beginning and then accumulates fines towards the end, thereby slowing the flow at the tail end in order to promote body and sweetness.
All of the Cafec filter papers are made with no bleach, glues, chemicals or unnatural elements are added to the pulp. This is simply a 100% clean, eco-friendly, forest-sustainable coffee filter paper.
A great experiment is to try the the three different filter papers and keep all the other variables the same. For example, the same coffee, same grind setting, same water temperature and brew time. This way you can taste and feel the difference using the different roast profile filter papers. Each filter paper will produce a difference in the flavour, body and clarity.